News & Media
Why You Should Seriously Consider Donating Blood
Have you ever considered donating blood? Now would be an ideal time. The American Red Cross announced a blood crisis earlier this year, citing its worst blood shortage in over a decade. Learn more about that process here. #RedCross #BloodDrive
My Nursing School Journey (pt.1)
Halfway through term 2 out of 4 in my nursing school trajectory and I am fatigued, with pain 2/10, HR is
60, BP is 125/80, and my LOC is A&O x 3. Going in I had all kinds of expectations and perceptions about
my success. #Nursing #Healthcare
10 Ways To Drink More Water
There are at least 10 ways to drink more water. As soon as you wake up drink 2 glasses of water as soon as possible. You should also drink a glass or at least a half glass of water after you go to the bathroom. #HealthyHabits #Water
Why Are We Seeing A Rise In STDs?
Why are we seeing a rise in STDs? We take a deeper look into why this is happening, how the CDC is managing it, and how healthcare professionals are understaffed & overworked to be able to properly manage it. #STDs
How a Paper on Social Media Professionalism Became Retracted Within 24 Hours
You may recall, a recently published (now retracted) article named “Prevalence of unprofessional social media content among young vascular surgeons” sparked outrage among doctors […]
Systemic Racism in the US is a Quantifiable Healthcare Crisis for BIPOC Communities
It’s no secret that Systemic Racism in the US is a Quantifiable Healthcare Crisis for BIPOC Communities. But just how significant is this crisis? […]
Hey GenZers, Did you or a family member get a hospital bill you can’t afford, or feel is too expensive? Here are 5 things you absolutely MUST do when you get a hospital bill, that could reduce your bill: […]
Hospital Charges Stats
Based on a comprehensive Hospital Charges Stats analysis, it is estimated that 80% of medical bills contain errors. 22% of privately insured patients received care from out-of-network doctors after 8.9 million ER bills were reviewed by Yale Researches
Black Lives Matter!
Black Lives Matter! And it’s long past time we had a very honest, and open conversation about Black lives, and how they are impacted in the United States […]